17 Edifying Quora Statistics for 2023

Updated · May 20, 2023

There’s little to no chance you haven’t heard of Quora—the Q and A website that’s always the top result in your Google searches no matter what they might be.

Ringing a bell, right?

Quora’s frequently compared to Yahoo! Answers (even though it’s clearly doing better since the former shut down last year) or Reddit.

It’s been even described as a tad more sophisticated pseudo-social media à la Facebook, which isn’t that surprising since it was former Facebook employees that created the platform.

Still not sure what to think of it? Read through our selection of Quora statistics and you’ll learn all worth knowing about it.

Some Key Quora Facts to Get You Started (Editor’s Choice):

  • 300 million people use Quora every month.
  • 63% of visits originate from search engines.
  • 54% of users report an income of $100,000+.
  • Quora users discuss more than 400,000 topics.
  • Between 3,000 and 5,000 questions are posted daily.
  • Quora is now worth $2 billion, though it only made $20 million in revenue.
  • A third of users are aged 25-34.

A Few Quora Statistics for 2022 to Stay Informed

Time to get into a bit more detail—from etymology to current trends, we’ve got it all.

While Quora might not be a traditional social network, it’s still primarily user-driven. As such, statistical information about the platform also offers valuable insight into its user base.

1. What does Quora mean?

(Source: VentureBeat)

Turns out that there are several reasons for choosing this name.

The main one is the Latin word quorum, referring to a group of people discussing an issue and reaching a consensus. Additionally, Charlie Cheever, co-founder of the platform, said they liked the word because it rhymes with “flora,” and that sounds… healthy.

Lastly, it was the only naming idea where they could actually obtain the domain; other owners weren’t willing to sell.

2. There are more than 400,000 topics on Quora.

(Source: TechWyse)

Topics on Quora are something you can “follow” to see any new questions and answers that might be of interest. 

The top 5 categories, all with more than 50 million followers, are: “Everyday Life'' (86.6 million), “Entertainment” (83.8 million), “Health” (73.5 million), “Technology” (71.8 million), and “Science” (63.6 million).

What else is Quora used for? Well, most of the popular topics are things you’d expect—music, books, travel, etc. However, some stats caught us by surprise. For instance, “Automobiles'' has ~seven million followers, while “Fashion and Design” has 42.4 million. A bit of shock as Quora is a male-dominated platform.

3. Top questions have more than 10 million views.

(Source: Quora)

We can’t choose which are the best questions on Quora for you, since that’s pretty subjective, but we can share some of the most popular ones.

The title goes to: “What is the single most effective piece of financial advice you’ve ever received?” It has 11.3 million views and nearly 1,500 answers. 

It’s followed by “What are the best ways to lose weight?” with 8.2 million views and our personal favorite—“What are the best airport tips?” with 8.1 million views and hundreds of answers.

The latter actually gives some great advice—from taking photos of your luggage in case it gets lost to bringing empty water bottles and filling them at a water fountain past security.

4. Quora users post 3,000 to 5,000 questions daily.

(Source: BusinessVlogg)

Until recently, Quora was entirely free for all its users.

However, in 2021, Quora announced a subscription-based service called Quora+ that enables creators to lock their content behind a paywall. To see the answers, users will need to purchase a subscription at $5/month.

Knowledge is a virtue, and as such, one could claim it’s priceless. However, how many would be actually willing to pay a price remains to be seen.

Quora User Statistics: Who Knows What?

We’re discussing a platform that’s all about broadening your horizons and learning new things. Naturally, its users are big fans of hoarding knowledge.

5. Quora boasts 300 million monthly visitors.

(Source: Quora)

300 million people accessing your website at least once a month… wow! Quora’s numbers and popularity have surely grown in the last couple of years. In 2016, it had around 100 million users, which rose to 190 million the following year.

6. 34.1% of Quora users are Indian.

(Source: Alexa)

Quora was created by two Americans in 2010 but has since outgrown its birthplace. For comparison, the US accounts only for 28% of traffic.

Quora in India is so big that more than 70 million people visit the site monthly. That’s just in English. It is also available in a multitude of local languages, such as Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, etc.

7. Nearly half of all Quora users are aged 18-24.

(Source: Bloggingx)

Those aged 25-34 account for 32.5% of the user base. Less than 4% are older than 35.

That means your average Quora user is quite young, though these numbers are more or less in line with other social media platforms data.

8. 57% of the Quora population is male.

(Source: Quora)

While it’s a website dedicated to sharing knowledge in general with no subjects particularly directed towards the male or female population, men are significantly more likely to search Quora for information.

Fun piece of trivia to know if you’re a general user. If you’re a marketer, though, that’s crucial data. Considering Quora’s 300 million monthly users, 43% is still a respectable number, but ads targeting males will likely do better on the platform.

Fun fact: Rival website Reddit sees an even more significant gender discrepancy—according to Google Ad Planner, 74% of Redditors are male. For comparison’s sake, popular social media like Facebook and Instagram mostly sit at a 50:50 gender ratio.

9. Users spend 8 to 10 minutes daily browsing Quora.

(Source: SlideShare)

Quora stats show that the average user spends about 8 minutes on the platform every day, while LinkedIn users spend only 4 minutes on the social network daily. 

This gap widens when we compare users with an income higher than $100,000—10 minutes on Quora as opposed to 4 on LinkedIn. 

Let’s be honest, though—most answers are so painstakingly detailed that it takes a while to even skim through…

Quora Marketing Statistics: The Ethics Behind Money Making

‘Marketing’ and ‘Quora’ might not go hand in hand in your brain but let’s face it—everybody has to make money, in one way or another. 

Quora used to be famous for how bad it’s at making money. This might come as a bit of a shock as it’s a platform dedicated to finding the right answers. In reality, it mostly had to do with its founders’ unwillingness to “sell” their users’ data. Credit where it’s due—there are a precious few websites like Quora in this regard.

That said, as noble as their intentions might have been, they couldn’t keep it up forever. As of 2022, Quora can absolutely be used as a marketing tool. How? Read on to find out.

10. Quora is worth $2 billion.

(Source: Vox)

If you’ve ever wondered ‘How much is Quora worth?’, here’s your answer. Still, it doesn’t even come close to the net value of some of its competitors. 

We’re obviously not going to compare it to social media titans such as Meta but many people will consider Quora and Reddit rivals. Perhaps people fancy less serious content, though, because Reddit’s most recent market valuation was $6 billion.

Nevertheless, Quora is growing—it was worth $1.7 billion less than 5 years ago.

11. Quora barely makes money.

(Source: Vox)

Despite Quora’s significant market value, its reluctance to monetize its userbase means it doesn’t boast much of a revenue. It reportedly made $20 million in 2018—a number nearly 100 times lower than its market cap.

Many investors have voiced their concerns about buying into the company due to its poor track record in… well, actually making money.

12. Advertising on Quora became possible in 2016.

(Source: TechCrunch)

Quora first came online in 2010 and stayed ad-free until 2016. Its founder said they didn’t want to bombard users with popups and banners all over the website. But even they had to give in eventually.

In 2016, Quora started showing ads by selected partners such as Mulesoft and Shopify. In 2017, they launched Quora Ads—a self-serving platform that can be used by anybody to advertise their product or service on the website. Thus, Quora began monetizing its users in the hope of attracting more investors.

13. 63% of Quora visits originate from online searches.

(Source: Foundation Inc)

More than 50% of Quora traffic comes from Google, which shouldn’t be surprising, considering its go-to status as a search engine

If you are a marketer, all this also means that you could use this knowledge to your advantage and provide answers containing specific keywords or references to your product.

14. 60% of Quora Ads are B2B.

(Source: Karooya)

The Quora team revealed that the majority of companies using its Ads platform target other businesses, not end customers.

Also, let’s not forget the 2019 study on Quora user demographics, which reported that the average user was 37% more likely to be in a management position than the general populace. 

In other words, many marketers using Quora Ads are trying to leverage this and advertise their products to those already in the industry.

The tech field is the one changing most rapidly. Quora is no exception to the rule—it has experienced dramatic growth since its inception in 2009.

Expectations are that it will keep evolving over the 2020s at a similar speed. Let’s see what the future may hold. 

15. Quora’s first non-English version launched in 2016.

(Source: VentureBeat)

They sure took their time! Especially as Quora statistics show that more than half of its users aren’t native English speakers.

Quora was first translated into Spanish, followed by German, Italian, and Japanese a year later.

Since then, nearly a dozen European and Indian languages have been added, including Dutch, Finnish, Hindi, Tamil, etc.

16. 61% of the site’s users have a college degree.

(Source: QuoraMarketing)

Is Quora a good source of information? With nearly two-thirds of its users boasting a college degree, you can bet it is. This prevalence of the platform among the highly-educated is in somewhat of a contrast to other social networks.

Still, you shouldn’t forget that anybody can post anything on the Internet. While many Quora answers will provide accurate and factually correct information, there is no guarantee that everything on the site is trustworthy.

17. 3/4 of Quora traffic is mobile.

(Source: Quora)

Depending on your net-surfing habits, this may or may not surprise you. However, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation—Quora’s biggest market by far is India where only a select few own a PC. On the other hand, more than half of all Indians own smartphones.

The trend is similar in the US—while a much higher percentage of Americans own desktop computers, not many use them. Recent statistics show that 97% of Americans use a cellphone on a daily basis as opposed to only ~70% using a desktop or a laptop device.

In short, no matter the country, Quora gets a majority of mobile users.

Wrap Up

Like with everything else in the world, people have strong opinions on social media. Quora is no exception—many consider it the most “intellectual” one, while others avoid it like the plague.

Whatever your personal views, one thing is certain—Quora is only getting bigger. If your intentions lie in tapping into the platform’s 300 million user base for advertising purposes, then you’ll be relieved to know that Quora Ads is a pleasantly robust service.

We hope our selection of Quora statistics was at least as enlightening as browsing Quora itself is. Plus, if you ever get into an argument about which social network is the best, you now have all the numbers to back your opinion up.

Nick Galov
Nick Galov

Unaware that life beyond the internet exists, Nick is poking servers and control panels, playing with WordPress add-ons, and helping people get the hosting that suits them.