A composter is an essential tool for managing your in-game resources.
By recycling your food and other organic materials, you can create a fertilizer to help the growth of plants in your world.
This guide will show you the composter recipe in Minecraft and how to use it effectively.
What Is a Composter in Minecraft?
A composter is a block that converts organic items, like food and plants, into bone meal. Then, you can use it to fertilize your crops and enhance their growth.
The more items you add to the composter, the faster it'll fill up with bone meal.
Composters may be found in village farms and are a job site block for farmer villagers.
How to Make a Composter in Minecraft?
That's a straightforward task, requiring a single crafting material.
1. Collect Wood
Any type of wood will work, so feel free to use whatever you have on hand.
2. Make Planks and Slabs
Turn the wood into planks by placing it on a crafting table.
Then, place one plank in every slot of the third row to make six slabs.
You’ll need seven for the composter.
3. Follow the Composter Recipe in Minecraft
Now that you have the required material, open your crafting menu and put the slabs in this configuration:
- One slab in every slot of the first and third columns
- One slab in the middle of the third row
Your composter is now ready to use.
How to Use a Composter in Minecraft?
To fill this container, you need to right-click on it with a compostable item in your hand.
Once you've added enough materials, the composter will recycle them into bone meal.
You can then take it out by right-clicking on the composter.
If you want to give unoccupied villagers a profession, you can use a composter to make them farmers.
Recycling is an easy way to get bone meal without killing any skeletons, making it a great option for players who are just starting out in the game.
What Can You Put in a Composter in Minecraft?
Not every item in the game has the same odds of producing a layer of compost when disposed of.
Namely, seeds from pumpkins, beetroots, melons, and wheat, as well as mangrove and hanging roots, have a 30% chance.
The same applies to grass, samplings, seagrass, leaves, and a bunch of other plants.
However, weeping, twisting, and regular vines, cactus, melon slices, sugar canes, and a few more have odds of 50% to be recycled into bone meal in a Minecraft compost bin.
Apples, beetroots, pumpkins, melons, carrots, and potatoes are among the items that have a 65% success rate.
Baked potatoes, bread, cookies, hay bale, and some others will almost certainly be transformed, with an 85% chance.
Cake and pumpkin pie are the only items that always turn into bone meal.
How to Make a Compost Bin in Minecraft Automated?
There is an easy way to automate the recycling process.
You'll need to prepare two chests, two hoppers, and a composter.
Then, what you have to do is:
- Place the first chest on the ground — that will be the place to collect the ready bone meal.
- Crouch to connect a hopper to the back of the chest.
- Put the Minecraft composter on top of the hopper, again, by crouching.
- Add the second hopper on top of the composter in the same way.
- Crouch and place the remaining chest on top of the second hopper.
So, now, when you place raw material into the upper chest, the hopper will directly move it into the composter.
Once enough is collected, it'll transform into bone meal, and the other hopper will push it into the lower chest.
There are other more elaborate designs you can make, so experiment and see what works best for you.
To Wrap Up
Knowing how to make a composter in Minecraft is a valuable skill for anyone keen on farming. It'll help you produce all the bone meal you need to make your crops grow faster.
If you plan on automating your farm, this block will be an essential component.
So, go try it out and see what you can come up with!

With charmingly infectious enthusiasm, Marina is always thrilled by forthcoming challenges. Thanks to her knack for gathering useful (and not so much) information, she is here to get you any answer you need.