I would usually start off by saying a few words about WordPress and how great it is, but I feel it will be kinda pointless here.
If you are on this page, you probably already know how amazing WP can be.
What you need is extra assistance and guidelines on how to build a magnificent website with WordPress. You know, those practical tips and tricks that help you better understand what you are dealing with and how to do it properly.
I have all that and a bag of chips!
In this article, you’ll find an extensive list of WordPress tutorials for both newbies and seasoned users. We’ll be covering every step of the way from your first encounter with WP to the finishing touches of your newly-created website. You’ll learn more about themes, various plugins, SEO, site security, and more.
Then you can go to the support forums of the best WordPress hosting providers and put everyone to shame there.
Sounds good, right? Let’s dive right in!
Let’s start you off with the best general tutorials around the Web. Each of thеse extensive guides deserves a separate article, as it covers nearly everything you can think of regarding WordPress.
If you are entirely new to web building — this is where your journey begins…
Getting Started
1. WordPress Glossary
We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us exploring the WP world, so it’s best you become acquainted with the lingo. If you are unfamiliar with a term that is not on the list, you can always add it as a suggestion.
2. WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
Novice WP users might be easily confused with the seemingly similar services on WordPress.com and WordPress.org. The two platforms are actually quite distinct and involve entirely different setups, limitations, and levels of support. Today we will focus on the self-hosted, open-source version available on WP.org, so it’s important you can tell the difference.
3. The Ultimate WordPress Guide
The first steps in WordPress have never been so easy. WPBegginer is one of the largest WP communities, and its editorial team often releases comprehensive guides about the software. They know perfectly well how confusing it can be to build a website for the first time. So, this guide outlines a logical, step-by-step process and gently introduces you to WordPress and its intricacies.
4. How to Choose the Best Host
There is a plethora of hosting providers out there, and almost everyone claims they are suitable for accommodating WordPress projects. However, the reality cannot be further from the truth, so make sure you do your careful research before you jump headfirst into your new online venture. I’ll sweeten the deal by adding our extensive reviews on some of the top contenders — SiteGround and Bluehost.
5. How to Install WordPress (Manually)
Manual software installation can be a bit tricky, but luckily the WP developers readily share information straight from the source. They take you through the process of installing the CMS on a variety of platforms and offer solutions to possible setbacks you may encounter along the way. The guide is particularly helpful if you need to install WP on a local computer and tweak it offline.
6. How to Install WordPress (via Softaculous)
PHP and MySQL are at the very core of WordPress, so the application works best on Linux servers. More often than not, Linux hosting providers equip their clients with a cPanel, which contains the Softaculous Autoinstaller. This powerful tool saves you the time and effort involved in manual installations and offers a few-click setup of over 450 web-building apps. Installing WP with Softaculous is easy as 1-2-3, as you’ll notice from this WordPress beginners guide.
7. How to Install WordPress (via WAMP)
WAMP is basically a stack of Apache, PHP, and MySQL that runs on Windows servers. This one is for all the Windows users who want to dabble with WordPress without moving to Linux. The tutorial is frequently updated, which ensures the content is always up-to-date.
8. How to Install Themes
Consciously or not, people judge a book by its covers. Your website is no different. Unless you wow the visitors right from the get-go, you risk losing them irreversibly. Installing WP themes is quite an easy task, so you can focus on finding the perfect layout that fits your website like a glove.
9. How to Install Plugins
Next up, we have the plugins. The immensely helpful add-ons let you customize WordPress as you see fit — shopping carts, social media icons, contact forms — you name it. Learning the ABC’s of WP plugins will prove very useful down the road, so make sure you check these free WordPress tutorials.
10. Understanding Widgets
Widgets are a part of the WP architecture that provides a practical set of methods for easier web design and management. There are a ton of default widgets that come with every fresh WordPress installation, including Categories, Search bar, Tag clouds, and many more. Many themes and plugins contain their own widgets, so understanding their basics can help you make the best of them.
11. How to Set up Google Analytics
Familiar with Google Analytics? Yes, the tool that lets you know everything about your visitors — where they came from, what they clicked, and how long they stayed. Over 50 million websites worldwide find great use of Google Analytics, and your page should make no difference if you want to stay in touch with your audience.
12. How to Speed up WordPress
Our team has already outlined how crucial speed is for your website in this fact-packed article. With things in our digital era moving so rapidly, you have to stay ahead of the trends or risk quickly falling behind. Ensuring the fast load time of your pages from every location and on any device is something you should do sooner rather than later.
13. How to Secure WordPress
WordPress is the single most popular web-building application out there. As such, it is also the software hackers across the world most commonly target. Protecting your WP website is an ongoing process that starts as soon as you first install the platform. It only stops when…well, actually, it never stops. It’s a relentless battle, but you can still come out on top if you’re careful enough.
Now that we are ready to start with WordPress, let’s see what we can do with it.
Working with WordPress
14. How to Customize the Dashboard
Modifying how your WP backend looks is not just about convenience. Oftentimes we have multiple people working on our website, and they require different levels of access. We can adjust what they see and edit down to the tiniest details, all the way down to the style and color scheme of your login page.
15. How to Create a Post
OK, so you’re done setting up WordPress and can start adding content. One thing before you do. You may have heard that the WP developers released a brand-new editor in 2018 called Gutenberg. It shook up many authors and significantly changed the way content was created. Luckily, there are great WordPress tutorials for beginners that cover the Gutenberg topic quite well.
16. How to Utilize the Gutenberg Editor
Honoring the inventor of the printing press, the latest WordPress editor promised to revolutionize the way we create and distribute our content. The initial release suffered through a rocky start, and seasoned users were rightfully skeptical. Things have been getting back on track since then, and this modern block-based editor is looking at a bright future ahead.
17. How to Create Categories
Categories make up the whole structure of your WP website. They represent your site menus and help the users navigate to their desired page. Categorizing your content establishes a structure that will be comprehensive for visitors and search engine robots alike. Adding and modifying the menus is child’s play with the drag-and-drop WP editor, so go ahead and check it out.
18. How to Create a Landing Page
A well-designed landing page can do wonders for your marketing campaigns or lead generation efforts. Business owners and marketers often employ custom-built pages, as they can attract attention, lead to predefined actions, and collect essential traffic data. Whether you are looking to sell a product, accumulate subscriptions, or promote a video — landing pages are the way to go!
19. How to Create a Photo Gallery
Visual content is all around us nowadays. We tend to share photos of everything we find cool — people, food, pets, nature. After all, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” right? WordPress is all about aesthetics, and it certainly shows by the extensive options and customization features in that department.
20. How to Create an E-commerce Site
Over 22% of the world’s population already shops online. We are so used to simply typing a web address and ordering a product in two minutes, it’s like we never knew any different. You can use various plugins to create an online shop, but WooCommerce is undoubtedly the most prominent one. WooCommerce is already taking the online trade sector by a storm, even surpassing market competitors that strictly focus on e-commerce.
21. How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Website
An Amazon affiliate store lets you sell your products on the world’s largest marketplace. Integrating different platforms as WordPress and Amazon sounds like a big deal, but it really isn’t. This tutorial takes you through the entire process of launching a WP shop, moving your products on the new marketplace, and of course, the sweetest part — collecting your earnings.
22. How to Add Multimedia Files
Adding images, audio, and video files to posts is a breeze with WP. This extensive WordPress tutorial for beginners sheds some light on how the in-built WYSIWYG editor works and how to integrate multimedia to make your content more captivating. As a bonus, there are some actionable tips on alignment and size optimization.
23. How to Upload Files via FTP
Most control panels contain an inbuilt file management system that lets you easily upload data. You can also achieve that through the WP admin dashboard. However, both ways are limited to the number and size of files you can upload simultaneously. FTP, on the other hand, is often faster, more secure, and eliminates all such restraints.
24. How to Add a Favicon
Ever noticed how most websites have a minimized image, which appears before their name in your browser tab? That’s called a favicon. It offers an excellent opportunity to improve your brand and make it more memorable. Plus, if you’re like me and keep a ton of windows open at all times, favicons prove an immense help when you need to quickly locate a particular tab.
25. How to Add a Gravatar
Gravatar, which stands for Globally Recognized Avatar, represents your visual image around the Web. Instead of creating different profiles on multiple websites, you can have a single account using your predefined information. This solution is especially useful for active bloggers who are just building a name for themselves.
26. Ultimate Guide for WordPress Multisite
WordPress offers the nifty option to run multiple websites under a single installation. How is this useful? In what cases should you adopt this method? How does it work? Follow this excellent tutorial from the actual developers of the multisite function and find out the benefits of running a whole network of sites under one hat.
27. How to Add Multiple Languages
What best way to cater to an international audience than speaking to them in their own native tongue? Adding new languages to your existing WordPress site works perfectly well without any additional WP installations.
In terms of quality, I strongly suggest you go for a manual translation of your content to ensure you refine even the tiniest details. Still, language plugins are getting better by the day, thanks to the evolution of machine learning, so they are still an excellent option to consider if you need to save time.
28. How to Use the WordPress REST API
Application programming interfaces (or simply APIs) enable two different apps to interconnect and exchange data. For example, you can use the Google Maps API to place a map on your website, which will obtain relevant information directly from Google. Applying the same logic to WordPress, we can significantly improve user experience and enhance our site capabilities, all with the help of the REST API.
29. WordPress Site Maintenance Calendar
Website maintenance is an ongoing process. Even if you build the perfect WP site, you still need to watch over it and ensure it is always up-to-date. There are numerous things to consider, but have no fear — you don’t need to remember them by heart. This list will do it for you.
Now that we’re done with the basics, it’s time to put some thought into how our website looks and feels.
WordPress Themes
30. How to Choose a Theme
Choosing the right theme for your website is crucial, and I’m not just talking about pretty looks. Your visual layout can significantly enhance visitors’ navigational experience and even solidify the overall site security. There are a ton of useful WordPress tutorials on the subject out there, but this extensive guide covers it all.
31. How to Customize Themes
Just as with every other open-source platform, each aspect of the WordPress infrastructure can be customized. With the right knowledge and a bit of experience, you’ll soon find out modifying a WP theme is not for designers and developers only. Once you get the hang of it, the sky’s the limit!
32. How to Create a Child Theme
Imagine child themes like a test environment for any tweaks and twists you want to try on your website without disrupting its online availability. A child theme replicates its “parent” and leaves everything else to your imagination. Should any functions be missing after you’re done modifying the new layout, the parent theme will fill in the gaps.
33. How to Add Custom Fonts
Your content font is an essential element of visual branding, which can add that much-needed oomph to your new business. As stylish as some of the in-built options might be, you should always be looking for uniqueness. Your website font is the perfect way to go about it.
34. Understanding Color Psychology
According to recent studies, a whopping 85% of online shoppers point out color as a prime reason they like or dislike a particular product. Whether we do it on a conscious level or not, colors can provoke emotions, and progressive businesses are already utilizing this fact.
35. How to Perform A/B Testing
Marketers love to employ the A/B testing methodology, as it can find considerable practical usage. Basically, whenever you’re facing a decision, you can split it into two (or more) variations. Let’s say you’re wondering if your site should adopt a green or blue color scheme. You can serve each new visitor a different version, and the collected metrics will let you know which color performs best. After all — numbers don’t lie, right?
Once you’re satisfied with your website’s new stylish looks, you can consider adding some functionalities. We’ve categorized the following list of WordPress plugins tutorials by their value for different professionals.
WordPress Plugins
36. Must-have WordPress Plugins
With over 50,000 plugins in the WP library, it’s pretty easy to get lost. Luckily, you can find a plethora of useful WordPress plugin tutorials that outline the essential tools to start with and why you need them. From there on out, it’s all up to your imagination. Just make sure you only add what you need and update it regularly to avoid any security risks.
37. WordPress Plugins for Designers
Designers can realize their full creative potential with WordPress. Every little aspect of the visual outlook of the WP website is fully customizable, and there are a ton of tools to help you out. Check out a selection of some of the best add-ons designers love to facilitate.
38. WordPress Plugins for Developers
This one is for all you webmasters, devs, and code junkies out there. ElegantThemes have made a name for themselves in the WP community with their extensive library of add-ons and some of the best WordPress tutorials. his guide will show you the most preferred plugins by developers and why they’re so popular.
39. WordPress Plugins for Marketers
Neil Patel needs no introduction if you are remotely interested in digital marketing. I can’t think of a better person to trust with marketing advice than one of the top influencers in the field and founder of a hugely successful digital agency. He’s glad to share some of his know-how and point out his favorite plugins.
40. WordPress Plugins for Authors
WordPress’s original purpose was to popularize blogging, so let’s not forget all the authors out there who still mainly use WP to power their blogs. From tools that help improve your writing skills to suggestions on securing your website — this tutorial has it all. Plus, the guide is frequently updated so you can be sure the information inside is timeless.
41. WordPress Plugins for Shop Owners
Having an online shop nowadays is as easy as pie. We’ve already taken a closer look at the best e-commerce site builders, and now it’s time to learn more about the various add-ons you can use to boost your shop performance. Pick the right set of tools for your business, and success is soon to follow.
After you’re done with the plugins, the next set of free WordPress tutorials will teach you everything you need to know about improving your site speed and performance.
Speeding Up WordPress
42. How to Check Your Website Speed
Site speed cannot boil down to a single number, as many factors affect its performance. Good thing there are various tools out there that not only let you measure your connection from around the world but also include neat optimization tips. My advice would be to pick a few and compare the results they yield from the same location.
43. How to Optimize Your Images
Let me make one thing clear — your images are among the most crucial factors to focus on when improving your site speed. Image optimization is a careful process that starts way before you upload the visuals on your website. This optimization guide is suitable for WordPress beginners, but advanced users can find some neat advice as well.
44. How to Enable Gzip Compression
Compressing your images is an absolute must with WordPress. High-resolution photos can wow our visitors, but they also require a fair share of system resources. Ensuring the optimal load time of your photos lightens that load, and you can enjoy some happy, returning customers as a result.
45. How to Use a CDN
CDN, or content delivery network, is a network of servers around the world that contains cached copies of your website. Whenever a visitor lands on your page, the server closest to their location displays the content. This way you can avoid any slowdowns caused by the large distances. Your WordPress hosting provider can often recommend a CDN solution and even help you install one.
46. How to Leverage Browser Caching
This speed hack lets your browser cache certain parts of your page, so they are not loaded every time someone lands on it. The neat trick requires some modifications to your .htaccess file, but this tutorial will teach you how to use WordPress’s browser caching to your maximum advantage.
47. How to Use Asynchronous Loading
Javascript is at the core of most websites today. Social media buttons, SEO plugins, themes — every little site element is running scripts, and those scripts need their fair share of resources. Make sure to optimize Javascript processes, and this will immediately reflect on your overall speed.
Speed is essential – and you can benefit from some in-depth tips on how to make you WP site fly – but so is security. The next set of WordPress tutorials will teach you how to build a wall around your website (and not need Mexico to pay for it).
Securing WordPress
48. How to Update WordPress
Application updates are a big thing. Why? For starters, they bring a lot of new functionalities to the table, contain bug fixes, and improve your overall site performance. This alone should be convincing enough. But here’s the real kicker: updates patch up security vulnerabilities that hackers often exploit. In fact, core WP cyber attacks account for 31.5% of all security breaches in WordPress. Better safe than sorry, right?
49. How to Backup WordPress
As much as you trust your host and your security precautions, you should always have a backup plan. In this case — quite literally. Unexpected glitches do happen, and you cannot risk losing data because you were taken by surprise. So, be proactive and ensure the smooth sailing of your business with a regular backup strategy.
50. How to Hide Your Admin Login Page
Have you heard of brute-force attacks? Hackers launch them to gain unauthorized access to websites. Brute-force attacks land on your admin page (which by default is located in /wp-admin) and execute an algorithm that simulates login attempts. They run millions of user/pass combinations until they are finally in. Now imagine if you “move” the admin page to a different, more secure location. Sounds simple, but it’s incredibly effective.
51. How to Limit Login Attempts
Another way to protect yourself against those pesky brute-force attacks is to limit the login attempts on your admin page. This way, even if the hacker finds its location, running the malicious algorithm will just hit a stone wall after several tries. At the end of the day, adding an extra layer of security to your site can only work to your benefit.
52. How to Password Protect WordPress
There might be a ton of reasons why you want some (or all) of your content hidden from prying eyes. Luckily, WordPress lets you enable secure login to any part of your website — a page, a product, a downloadable file — you name it. Follow this helpful tutorial to find out how.
53. How to Add Two-Factor Authentication
One method to further strengthen your WP app is to add a two-factor authentication upon login. You know, those few extra things we’re sometimes required to do in addition to entering our user and pass, like clicking on a photo or typing a letter/number combo. Today, you will learn a couple more creative ways to go about securing your login page.
Now our security is up-to-par – if you still feel like something lacking, learn how to make it truly impregnable – and we can focus more on our site optimization. The next set of WordPress training guides will make this task as effortless as it can be.
Optimizing WordPress
54. Ultimate SEO Guide
Search engine optimization (or SEO for short) signifies how far ahead your website will pop up in search results. Google, the absolute market leader, takes into account over 200 factors when displaying results, and you have influence over most of them. How you utilize them can make the difference between a buzzing business or a busted one.
55. How to Find and Fix Broken Links
Migrating a WordPress website or changing its domain inevitably means you have to ensure your links properly redirect to the new location. Otherwise, they will lead both visitors and search engine crawlers to non-existent pages which opens a whole new can of worms.
56. How to Stop Search Engines from Indexing your Site
Websites do not just appear overnight. They take a lot of careful planning, trial and error, and numerous redactions until they reach perfection. While you can afford to make changes directly on the live site in its early stages, you better not let the search robots in before you finish your main optimization tasks.
57. How to Refine your Permalinks
The perfect URL structure is clean, readable, and as short as possible. WordPress understands how essential permalinks are for your overall SEO strategy and provides some neat in-built options for their refinement. This extensive tutorial covers it all and complements it with answers to the frequently asked questions on the subject.
58. Developers Cheat Sheet
This one is for the more advanced users. If you have any coding skills and want to apply them to your WordPress site — this list will prove to be an indispensable assistant. The cheat sheet starts you off with the WordPress basics and then covers the essentials that will help improve your developing skills.
59. How to Setup Yandex on WordPress
Google is by far the most popular search engine…but not necessarily in every country. If your audience comes predominantly from Russia, then you must consider optimizing for the local search engine, Yandex. The company holds just over 50% of the Russian search engine market, making the country one of the few places in the world where Google does not claim the top spot.
By this point, WP should sound great enough to make you want to switch from your existing platform (and understandably so). These next WordPress tutorials will guide you through the process.
WordPress Migration
60. How to Move a Blogger Site to WordPress
Blogger is one of the most popular blogging platforms, and there are a bunch of good reasons for that. Free registration, simple navigation, clear menus — those are all essential benefits, well-liked by new users. As your site grows, however, you will inevitably run into restrictions which is why moving to WordPress is a more-than-logical solution.
61. How to Move a Wix Site to WordPress
Another popular website building solution is Wix. As attractive as it is on its own when you compare it to WordPress, it just isn’t up there. WP is the best choice in terms of versatility and creative freedom, so it’s not unnatural to want to make the switch.
62. How to Convert a Joomla Site to WordPress
Joomla was holding the top spot in the CMS market for years. Then WordPress skyrocketed and swept away the competition. So it was no surprise when Joomla users started flocking to the new platform. The two web building applications are inherently different, and the process is not exactly straightforward. Luckily, we found something to guide you through the whole process.
63. How to Convert HTML to WordPress
Transforming a static HTML page to WordPress can be a daunting task. Luckily, there is more than one way to skin the HTML cat so take your pick with the method you feel best suits you. Once you’re done, you can enjoy being a part of one of the largest online communities and utilize all its resources.
64. How to Move WP from Local Server to Live Site
Ever so often, developers prefer to build and modify WordPress locally instead of applying changes directly to the live environment. This method brings the obvious benefits of working offline and testing customizations without the added risk of your website going bananas. Now you can learn how to do it yourself in a few easy steps.
65. How to Migrate WordPress to a New Host
More often than not, when you move your website to a new host, they take care of the site transfer. Still, that is not a given, so it’s always useful to be prepared to test your own skills. Here is one extensive tutorial that will help you move WordPress and not lose any data in the meantime.
We have now covered all the essential aspects of building a website with WordPress, and you have plenty of reading to do. Before I let you dig in this wealth of information, I’ve got a little something-something for those of you who prefer learning from audiovisual guides.
WordPress Video Tutorials
66. How to Start a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes
WPBeginner’s instructional video takes us on a quick tour from the very first steps of choosing a host, all the way to launching a live WP site. If so much information can fit into 10 minutes, just imagine how quick it is to get into the WordPress game.
67. How to Develop a Theme from Scratch
This tutorial dives a little deeper into the intricacies behind WP themes and lets you become a WordPress developer yourself. After watching the video, you’ll be able to understand CSS and JS better and implement these skills in building a visually stunning website.
68. How to Create an Online Store
Starting off a new business website with WordPress is no big deal, but there are some essential details to consider. So, I decided to show you one of the most extensive YouTube WordPress tutorials out there to ensure you are not missing anything. Whether you need assistance with your shopping cart, product implementation, or payment gateway — this video has got you covered.
69. Docker Compose
Docker Compose is a tool that lets you take WordPress to the next level by utilizing a multi-container technology. It’s not exactly suitable for beginner users, but if you know your way around similar frameworks and scripting languages, Docker can help you do wonders with WP.
Wrapping It Up
There you have it, folks!
This concludes the HostingTribunal list of WordPress tutorials. Even if you started off as a complete WP newbie, by now you should already feel as confident as a seasoned user. As you can see, the most popular CMS is not that hard to operate. So, with a little practice, you’ll soon be creating the site of your dreams.
Think I missed something or seek further information on a WordPress topic?
Let me know, and I’ll gladly add it. Bye for now, and…
…think we forgot about your bag of chips? If you reached this point, then you very well deserve one.

The relationship between Rado and Web Hosting has been going on for 12+ years now and neither of them knew it would be so passionate. Bred as a digital marketer, Rado is fascinated by words and how they can affect people. Collects cow memorabilia. Yeah, go figure…