Why was the JavaScript developer sad?Because he didn’t Node how to Express himself…
No, nothing?
How about that one:
JavaScript appears to be the preferred method of turning electricity into waste heat.
Oh, well.
Let’s take a deep breath and dive into the latest Node JS statistics. By the end of the article, maybe you’ll find the jokes funnier.
Trust me, learning about it is worth it as it is the latest programming rage.
Check this out:
Insightful Node JS Stats (Editor’s choice):
- Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal all use Node JS.
- 43% of Node JS devs use it for enterprise applications.
- 85% use it primarily for web app development.
- Tellingly, PayPal saw a 35% decrease in average response time on its page after deploying Node JS.
- Not only that – Node JS can increase applications’ performance by 50%.
- It also reduces development cost by 58%.
- No wonder it is the primary choice for startups.
What Is Node.js?
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that executes outside of the browser.
It celebrated its 12th birthday on May 27, 2021.
(If you are thinking presents and cake – go to AliExpress… you’ll see why in a moment.)
Alright, let’s jump right into the Node JS stats!
Just How Big is Node JS?
One of the easiest measures of the impact of Node JS is how many companies use it and how many customers they serve.
1. Node JS is used by at least 30 million websites.
(Source: W3Tech)
Various reports show 1.4% to 2.2% usage of Node Js among websites globally. Applied to the entire internet, this means Node JS powers at least 30 million sites, if not more. According to W3Tech, the runtime is preferred among high-traffic sites.
It's not that surprising when you consider how many downloads Node JS has:
2. Node JS hit 1 billion downloads back in 2018.
(Source: Medium)
You read that right - Node hit an impressive ten digits three years ago. Well, actually, back when the announcement was made, it was closer to 1.2 billion. Today, Node is easily around 1.4-1.5 billion, with no signs of stopping.
Pretty good for a relatively young technology.
3. Node JS is most popular in the US—over 6.3 million websites use it.
(Source: Similar Tech)
Out of over 63,ooo checked websites in the US, more than 37,000 run on Node. Applied to all websites, you end up with over 6.3 million sites for the US alone.
So right off the bat, we see the US is the biggest fan of Node. The most enterprising country in the world enjoys the language most of all.
Well, startups do enjoy Node big time.
4. Among the companies that have implemented Node JS are Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal. Some of the reasons to choose Node JS are the “futuristic” features (Amazon) and because it reduces startup time (Netflix).
(Source: Engineer Babu)
Big companies want the latest features and the best efficiency possible. And no wonder, as a minuscule increase in effectiveness easily saves millions of dollars for companies of this size!
Now, that is not to say Node is only for giants using massive AWS clusters. There are plenty of small to midrange Node.js hosting providers that can get you started with it.
The fact that Node allows both front-end and backend to “speak” the same language is just the cherry on top.
5. Node JS is the primary backend language for eBay.
(Source: Engineer Babu)
Companies like eBay don’t just decide to switch to a different technology on a whim – there must be hard business logic behind it. Node JS has it.
6. Node JS powers the backend of AliExpress as well.
(Source: Linux.com)
First eBay, now AliExpress?
Two of the biggest online marketplaces both run the same relatively new language on their backend. If that’s not a testament to its speed and reliability, I don’t know what is.
7. The application area of Node JS includes IoT, crowdfunding, e-commerce, and payment processing.
(Source: Hackernoon)
As we said, behemoths like Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, and PayPal trust Node JS with their business. These companies got to where they are by choosing the best strategies. Node JS is apparently one of them.
Why Do Companies Use Node JS?
Alright, let’s see why Node is so popular. After all, there must be a reason why it’s one of the hottest new languages.
8. Both Netflix and PayPal saw significant results economically and in performance, after implementing Node JS.
(Source: Hackernoon)
Even big companies, which are generally slow to adapt to changes, benefit immensely from migrating to Node JS.
9. Node JS can boost your business productivity. Only 4% of companies say Node JS has had no impact.
(Source: Node JS)
Node does benefit companies who decide to utilize the technology. Considering all its advantages, that is to be expected.
It’s not a magic pill, but it does have a positive effect on businesses in many cases. Node JS stats regularly show this to be true.
10. Netflix and PayPal reduced their startup time from 40+ minutes to under a minute with Node JS.
(Source: Hackernoon)
If you’re on the fence about migrating to Node JS, this stat packs enough punch to give you that final push.
11. PayPal saw a 35% decrease in average response time for the same page. After the change from Java to Node JS, pages get served 200ms faster.
(Source: Hackernoon)
Websites win the trust of their customers partly by being super fast and responsive.
For PayPal, trust is not just a requirement for being able to do business – it’s the top service they provide. If they’ve chosen Node JS to pull this off, this speaks louder than words.
12. The words that users most commonly associate with Node JS are: fast, simple, easy, yet powerful, and flexible.
(Source: Node JS)
This paints a nice picture, doesn’t it? It’s no secret Node JS is awesome in a number of ways. Nothing is perfect, but Node JS more than makes up for its downsides.
13. With Node JS you can reduce the number of servers that are necessary to reach a client.
(Source: Hackernoon)
Higher efficiency means you need to spend less money on servers – and therefore, less money on people to manage them. You also get to avoid the performance loss involved with scaling. Though most devs prefer running Node in scalable cloud clusters, even a VPS or a low-end dedicated server can take you a long way.
All these optimizations build on each other to produce some impressive economies – once you adopt Node JS. Statistics in 2022 support this assertion beautifully.
14. Node JS can help reduce the loading time by 50-60%.
(Source: Hackernoon)
The speed of Node JS translates into some mind-boggling improvements in loading time. Well, that’s what you get when you adopt the latest tech.
15. Node JS helps reduce developing costs by 58%.
(Source: Netguru)
Having your front-end and backend teams speak the same language sure helps with efficiency. And Node JS is quicker and faster than most anyway. A lot of these Node JS statistics can be explained with this alone.
16. Node JS can increase your application performance by 50%.
(Source: Netguru)
As we were saying – Node JS is pretty darn fast! It’s no coincidence its JS engine is called V8!
17. US/CA companies that have implemented Node JS into their strategy say that it has helped them increase developer productivity by 68%.
(Source: Netguru)
It is simple. If you’re a company and you decide to adopt a better-performing technology, you profit. That’s why we are harping about speed all the time here on Hosting Tribunal.
Node JS is faster to write in. There’s also the fact that adopting the latest tech does wonders for the morale of programming geeks.
18. After using Node JS for more than 2 years, companies have reduced their development costs by 12%.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
So, you adopt new and better tech, you give your programmers some time to adapt to the changes, and then you come out ahead. Sounds about right.
The ROI is awesome and it comes pretty quickly. This is surely part of why the Node JS adoption rate is growing constantly.
19. 36.42% of professional developers use Node JS for its frameworks, libraries, and tools.
(Source: Stack Overflow)
Node JS enjoys a strong community and is well-supported. Developers appreciate that.
20. Node JS is used by high-traffic sites.
(Source: W3techs)
Node JS is famous for its performance. High-traffic sites, naturally, benefit the most from this.
21. Node JS users span a variety of industries.
(Source: Net Guru)
Companies from all kinds of industries appreciate the features and speed Node JS has to offer. No matter the industry – speed and efficiency are always appreciated.
Alright, so the industry doesn’t determine whether Node JS will be in use. Then, what does?
Who Uses Node JS?
A look at the type of people who use this tech gives us several important insights. For one, it can tell us where you can find Node JS developers… just in case you were looking to hire some.
22. The typical Node JS user is male, age 31, college-educated, and white.
(Source: Node JS)
I’m wondering if this stat will prompt radical feminists to blame Node JS for being part of a patriarchal conspiracy. Nevertheless, programming does require a high level of education, and white dudes are generally better off in that regard.
23. 62% of all Node JS developers are white/Caucasian, 18% are Asian.
(Source: Node JS)
Considering 72% of all programmers, in general, are white, Node JS enjoys less popularity among white programmers compared to your average programming language.
The situation is similar with Asian programmers, except it’s less pronounced – considering just 20% of all programmers are Asian.
24. More than 85 countries and users with 45 different native languages use Node JS worldwide.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
One of the bragging rights you get when you have that popular of a product is that people from all around the world want to use it. It’s kind of a big deal.
Hosting Tribunal is happy to provide the Node JS community with stats they can lord over their colleagues.
25. 46% of Node JS developers are in the group age 25-35.
(Source: Node JS)
Node JS is a relatively young language. So are the programmers, who have actually studied it.
26. 51% of Node JS developers have a college education. 21% are graduates.
(Source: Node JS)
It takes some serious education to be able to wield this tool effectively. These numbers are what you’d expect.
27. 46% of Node JS developers are native English speakers. Next in line are Spanish and German speakers – each represents 6% of Node JS developers.
(Source: Node JS)
While the percentage of native English speakers is hardly surprising, we can kinda understand German and Spanish speakers being here too. Node JS development is growing in popularity around the world.
28. 32% of all Node JS users reside in the US and Canada, 44% – in EMEA.
(Source: Node JS)
Again, this is kinda what you’d expect. The richer countries are the ones that can appreciate a good programmer when they see one. Everyone goes where they’re appreciated, right?
29. 60% of Node JS developers work in companies with less than 100 employees and more than 5 years of professional experience.
(Source: Node JS)
Node JS definitely works best for smaller companies. Large enterprises usually feel more comfortable with other languages – usually older, and better-established ones.
30. The majority of Node JS developers work in US or EMEA companies.
(Source: Node JS)
These regions are the biggest fans of Node JS. Maybe others don’t enjoy increased productivity and speed that much? Or, far more likely, they don’t enjoy the change that much.
31. The majority of professional developers, 36%, have 3-9 years of professional experience.
(Source: Node JS)
A lot of Node JS developers have had experience with other languages before trying their luck with this one. Passionate programmers always want to play with the latest, most popular toy. For a while Node JS was that toy. It still kinda is.
32. 91% of US/CA Node JS developers are male.
(Source: Node JS)
In contrast, women hold 25% of all computing jobs in general. Node JS development is way more attractive to men than the average IT job.
33. The majority of developers, 43%, have less than 2 years of experience with Node JS.
(Source: Node JS)
When you have new technology and a shortage of programmers, you can’t be picky. Most companies have made peace with that.
34. In 2018, there were 23 million developers in the world. According to researchers, by 2023 there will be 27.7 million.
(Source: C# corner)
4.2 million of those will be US-based.
People and companies are finding new ways to solve problems using technology. To bring their vision to reality, they need programmers – as many as they can get.
There’s a stark deficit of programmers worldwide. As a result, the bar for what constitutes a good programmer is now lower, while companies are forced to pay more to attract talent.
No wonder the number of programmers is rising at such an incredible pace.
How Do People Use Node JS?
Alright, so we established that it’s a great environment with awesome benefits. We also found out who are the most likely people to be into Node JS.
Now let’s look at how you would actually use this tech in the real world.
35. Node JS is among the top choices for startups.
(Source: Modern Web)
Node JS is scalable, relatively easy to learn, and uses the same language across the front-end and backend. The latter is especially important for small teams, such as startups.
Everything gets easier when you’re all speaking the same language. Programming languages make no exception.
36. 85% of Node JS developers say they use it primarily for web app development. 43% use it for enterprise applications.
(Source: Node JS)
Of course, developers were free to provide more than one answer. Unsurprisingly, Node JS is awesome for web apps.
Node JS is perfect for designing real-time apps and both users and programmers enjoy this type of functionality.
37. 95% of developers use a database for their projects. 86% use some sort of front-end framework or library.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
No surprise there! Almost any site you can build will require a database. And if you’ve made Node JS your tech of choice, chances are you’re doing something cool on your front-end as well.
38. 3 out of 4 Node JS users are focused on backend and/or full-stack development.
(Source: Node JS)
Apparently, 1 out of 4 uses treats Node JS as little more of a hobby. We can safely deduce they’re a JS front-end developer, who gets their hands dirty with backend work only once in a while.
39. 39% of Node JS users are pursuing full stack development, whereas 37% are backend oriented.
(Source: Node JS)
It’s definitely handy that Node JS utilized JavaScript. Many front-end developers went full-stack super quickly.
Still, plenty of developers have kept their passion for front-end work.
40. The primary OS/Distro used in Node JS production is Ubuntu (39%).
(Source: Node JS)
Ubuntu is free, popular, and stable. What’s not to like?
41. The primary OS/ Distro used in Node JS development is Mac OS (41%).
(Source: Node JS)
Programmers like shiny things. Apple produces shiny things. As simple as that.
Well, Mac OS is still a good development environment. (Just saying this as an insurance policy.)
42. JavaScript is the language that’s most commonly cited alongside Node in the US/CA area – in 93% of cases. Next comes Python – 37% and the third is Java – 35%.
(Source: Node JS)
Naturally, JS is most closely associated with Node. Python and Java, on the other hand, are the tried and true technologies that bring reliability and maturity to the table.
How Do People Learn Node JS?
No matter how good a language is, no matter how much companies are willing to pay for talent, it can only get that popular if it’s relatively easy to learn.
Fortunately, Node JS is one of the easiest in that regard. Let’s see some stats.
43. The group of Latin American Node JS learners showed a 58% increase of ease of learning in 2018.
(Source: Node JS)
Latin Americans seem to enjoy Node JS more than most. Good for them!
44. 85% of JavaScript learners are enjoying the excellent availability of the process. 71% say the quality of the learning resources is of excellent quality.
(Source: Node JS)
One of the perks of the language being this popular is you get to enjoy a smooth learning experience. Plenty of people are writing about the language and ready to help.
45. 51% of Node JS users learn it in their native language.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
For any truly popular programming language, there are bound to be volunteers that are willing to teach it in their native language. They see a good thing and they want to share it.
46. 40% of users have expressed interest in mentoring others in Node JS.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
Programmers, in general, enjoy sharing knowledge – just look at Stack Overflow!
Node JS users make no exception. 40% of users being willing to share what they know with others is a massive asset for the community.
47. Among the platinum Node JS foundation members are IBM, Google, Joyent, and Microsoft.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
The big names are more than eager to get a foot in the door when a new tech makes it big. It’s good publicity for them, especially when it comes to attracting top programming talent.
Node JS Development & Production Stats
Here are some insightful details about how Node JS is used while the project is in development – and then in the production phase as well.
48. 1 out of 3 Node JS users is deploying production in the cloud.
(Source: Nodesource, Nodesource Insights)
The cloud provides some undisputable benefits and Node JS users can appreciate those.
49. Amazon Web Service is the primary environment for production-level Node JS.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
AWS is one of the top cloud hosting platforms. It offers a truly ridiculous array of features, which can pamper to a programmer’s every whim.
Programmers (at least the good ones) tend to be mad geniuses, so a solution like AWS that can keep up with them is perfect.
50. During the development process, an on-premise solution is a top choice, followed by AWS.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
A simple on-premise solution can cost way less, which is the deciding factor here. You don’t need top performance for your app during actual development.
51. 51% of the total professional development time is spent using Node JS.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
NodeJS users spend just over half their professional time using that environment.
The percentage is understandably a bit low since a fair amount of them are full-stack developers. And of course, even pure backend developers usually have other responsibilities.
52. 58% of the total global development time is spent using Node JS.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
It is interesting to note how this percentage is greater than the previous one. People fluent in Node JS use the language for their own passion projects as well. As we said, programmers tend to enjoy the latest and greatest tech.
53. 65% of users in the US and Canada are planning to increase the use of Node JS in the next 12 months.
(Source: Node JS 2017)
Companies see a well-performing piece of technology and, naturally, they want to play with it. Developers are also likely eager to get their hands on the latest tech, which makes the transition smoother.
We’ll be following the Node JS usage reports to see if this prediction will actually pan out.
Various Node JS Stats
These are the stats that didn’t fit in any other category. Nevertheless, it’s no accident we kept them here. They provide insights into the world of Node JS you can’t do without.
54. 3 out of 4 Node JS users say they use a version manager. The most commonly used one, 52%, is NVM.
(Source: Node JS)
A version manager can make your life easier.
Programmers are a practical bunch, so most of them use one.
55. 55% of Node JS users rely on the long-term support (LTS) release line. 43% of users and most of the newer users opt for the current release.
(Source: Node JS)
A slight majority of users choose stability and maturity over the latest features.
Still, a big part of developers like to use the latest and greatest – and apparently, they are fine with an occasional bug here and there.
56. The initial version of Node JS was created by a single developer – Ryan Dahl.
(Source: Nixa)
As it’s often the case, most big products start off as the vision for the future of just one guy. (Or a really small team of developers at best.)
It can inspire a bit of awe to see how far one man’s creation can come. (And, of course, there are plenty more examples where that came from.)
57. Node JS is a part of the MEAN JS (or MEAN stack) programming bundle, which also includes MongoDB, Express JS, and Angular JS.
(Source: Mean.io)
The MEAN stack, apart from having a catchy name, is a complete solution for building web apps.
What’s more, all components utilize the same programming language – JavaScript. That’s bound to come in handy.
58. The Node JS market share is at 4.24%.
(Source: Similar Web)
It's a significant increase over a 1.11% market share from three years ago. While the number still might sound a bit low, it's nothing to scoff at.
Well, not really. As effective as Node JS is way more expensive (and time-consuming) than installing a simple WordPress script and instantly getting your own website in minutes.
WordPress alone (which is based on PHP) has a 33.6% market share – because it can get your side ready in minutes. If you just need a website, WordPress is likely a good idea.
If, however, your business needs a custom solution with all kinds of fancy features, developing one with Node JS is still much more affordable than most of the alternatives.
59. Node JS is been using the Google V8 engine since its launch in 2009.
(Source: Nodesource)
The V8 engine was written from the get-go with speed in mind. It is a core reason why Node JS is so unbelievably fast!
60. In 2018, Node JS was downloaded more than 360 million times, with an average of 1 million downloads per day.
(Source: Nodesource)
With the language being this awesome, that’s to be expected. Good thing its website is built on Node JS as well, so it can handle all this traffic.
61. 78% of all downloads of Node JS are for Linux, 17% for Windows, and 5% for macOS.
(Source: Nodesource)
Linux is free, and everyone likes to get things for free.
Well, Linux is also quite fast and secure, and also is an excellent environment for development if you care about that sort of stuff.
62. All versions of Node JS show a 40% year-by-year growth of downloads.
(Source: Nodesource)
Node JS is still rapidly growing in popularity. Being a relatively young language – it still has plenty of room to grow.
63. In 2018, the average number of monthly releases saw a slight rise – from 5.08 in 2017, to 5.25 in 2018.
(Source: Nodesource)
The popularity of the language serves to motivate the developers behind it. More frequent releases mean more new features and bugs that get fixed more quickly.
64. There are 3 long-term stable (LTS) releases that are active in 2021 – Erbium, Fermium, and Gallium. The most popular is Node 14.x, "Fermium."
(Source: Nodesource)
The guys behind Node JS keep improving their creation.
Having 3 LTS releases is a big deal for companies as well. Nobody wants to build their website on tech that’s no longer supported. (Or one that won’t be supported for long.)
The Node JS guys and gals make an effort to provide real long-term support and they deserve kudos for that.
Wrap Up
Alright, so at this point, it should be obvious Node JS is a big deal. It is widely popular, has a great community and it’s an awesome tech in its own right (even though Hosting Tribunal doesn’t use it… yet).
Node JS statistics show that both programmers and companies appreciate what this technology has to offer. This is usually a recipe for success.
If you’re considering it for your own online ventures, hopefully, these stats have given you the confidence you’re on the right track!
Thanks for reading!

Branko is a round-the-clock tech geek and loving it. His ideal vacation destination is the Akihabara District (or really any place he can take his computer). If there’s a server out there, count on him to find out what it’s made of… and tell you all about it.